Monday, June 30, 2008

July Classes at the Clermont Herb Shoppe and Day Spa

Take a break from the heat this month and join us for one of the following classes offered this month. Meet new friends while learning something new. In observance of Independence Day, Friday July 4rth will be open 10-1pm.

July Classes at the Clermont Herb Shoppe & Day Spa
Tuesday, July 8th, 2008, 5:30pm-6:30pm, “Aromatherapy for Children”- $15 per person
Learn the benefits, safety, and quality of using aromatherapy with children for common concerns. This class includes a take home gift.

Wednesday, July, 9th, 2008, 6-7pm, “Clean Green”- $10 per person
This class is a great way to learn how to clean your home without using chemicals. You will learn how to clean everything from clothes to bathrooms naturally.

Friday, July, 18th, 2008, 4-5pm, “Herbal Orientation”- FREE
Learn some of the basics of a healthier lifestyle. Join us in a discussion of lifestyle upgrades and how you can incorporate them into your life.

Saturday, July 19th, 2008, 9-10am, “Herbal Hour”- FREE
This month’s herbal hour is on bone health. Learn which supplements to take to make and keep your bones strong during different stages of your life.

Saturday, July 19th, 2008, 10-11am, “Increased Energy”- FREE
Learn new ways to have increased energy levels all day long by adding supplements, changing lifestyle and diet.

Wednesday, July 23rd, 2008, 5:30-7:30pm, “Perfume Making”- $40 per person
Learn how to make your own perfume using 100% essential oils. Take home your signature scent that you create in the class.

Thursday, July 24rth, 2008, 6-7pm, “Aromatherapy 101”- $10 per person
Learn basic information on the use of pure essential oils including, history, safety, benefits, and application.

” Thursday, July 31st, 2008, 6-7pm, “Stress Less with Aromatherapy" $15 per person
Learn ways to manage stress naturally using pure essential oils and herbs.

RSVP required for all classes as seating is limited. To register, please call 352.243.3588 or visit our shop at 702 W. Montrose St. in Historic Downtown Clermont. See you in class.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Customer Appreciation Herb Shoppe Cagan Crossings

The Herb Shoppe Cagan Crossings has been open for almost a year now. If you haven't been in yet then this weekend is a great time to stop by. On Thursday, June 26th, 6-8pm we will host a Customer Appreciation Night with lots of samples, goodies and free gym passes.

Our neighbors will be open late as well. Anytime Fitness will host a BBQ and the Enchanted Cottage is sponsoring a Nature Photography Photo Contest. Be sure to check out Bill's entries. Also, stop by the new Rollin' Dough Bake Shop for their newest addition, wheat-free, gluten-free breads, rolls and specialty items.

The Cagan Town Center is hosting a Summer Bash this weekend with food, entertainment, and a Hurricane Preparedness Expo at the Cagan Crossings Library. Then stop by the Herb Shoppe to pick-up herbal must-haves for your natural remedy/emergency kits.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Aromatherapy for Circulation and Vitality

Hi everyone, I want to share some aromatherapy tips with you when working on aiding circulation and overall well-being.

Aromatherapy is highly beneficial when it comes to improving or maintaining circulation, combating high or low blood pressure, calming heart palpitations and enhancing overall vitality.

Rosemary is a common essential oil when we think of the circulatory system. It is one of the essential oils highest in oxygen so think of CoQ10 in comparison. Rosemary stimulates circulation thus making it a good choice for those who have cold extremities, varicose or spider veins, lack of oxygen to the heart or brain (for things like memory, concentration, focus and forgetfulness). It would be great to add to an herbal program when someone is taking CoQ10, ginkgo, gotu kola or Nature’s Sunshine’s Brain Protex. I am always conservative so, I use caution when using rosemary with those with high blood pressure as it may stimulate circulation thus provoking a rapid heartbeat or induced sweating. I also do not use it with those with epilepsy or during pregnancy. Emotionally, rosemary can help move stagnant emotions. This is for someone who is or has experienced the same emotions or situation for a long time and can’t seem to get past something. Listen for those people saying the same things over and over like health concerns, feeling, challenges. It provides energy, enhances movement and may provoke creativity.

For those with high blood pressure, ylang ylang may be beneficial. It has been historically linked to helping lower blood pressure by reducing heat and inflammation. It can calm heart palpitations, anxiety and help balance the body’s overall function. Emotionally, ylang ylang is great to mend a broken heart, work through grief and any issue of the heart. It is also beneficial during a menstrual cycle or menopausal symptoms to help balance excess heat. For those with neither high nor low blood pressure and to maintain balance, combine ylang ylang with lavender.

Cinnamon is helpful to increase circulation and promote movement. It is beneficial for sore, tense and stiff muscles as it aids in reduces stagnation and promoting elimination. It is antispasmodic and a stimulant. Great during menstruation to promote flow and reduce cramping or during labor to promote uterine contractions. Cinnamon helps to combat sluggishness, sleepiness and fatigue. In high amounts, cinnamon has been found to offer blood-thinning properties so it is best to avoid use if on blood-thinners. Emotionally, cinnamon helps one to feel at home, safe, secure and is like giving yourself a big hug.

Red Mandarin essential oil is wonderful for those needing a boost of energy to increase vitality. It is high in vitamin C and antioxidants, which are important to strengthen the walls of the capillaries to ensure proper circulation. Red mandarin feeds the adrenals, which in turn works with the thyroid, pancreas and reproductive system. If someone is experiencing problems with any of these areas, I work on feeding the adrenals to kick in some energy, which will stimulate movement. Emotionally, red mandarin helps with physical, mental and emotional exhaustion and fatigue. If you are making a blend for this reason, I like to use Nature’s Sunshine Nature’s Fresh Enzymes as my base as it is very activating, red mandarin and the homeopathic Fatigue/Exhaustion. I find this oil generally safe and it is one of three oils (the other two being lavender and chamomile) that I only use for women during pregnancy.

Nature’s Sunshine Varigone Cream is great to help reduce the appearance of varicose and spider veins. You can add in any of these essential oils to enhance its effect or use Nature’s Sunshine Cellutone discussed in the Weight Management tele-conference call last month. I’ve even applied this formula topically to rosacea areas after testing it on the skin first.

Scentful regards,

Jennifer Hochell, Holistic Aromatherapist
NAHA Regional Director
JennScents Aromatherapy
Clermont Herb Shoppe & Day Spa
702 West Montrose Street
Clermont, FL 34711
352.243.9627 (aroma bar)
352.243.3588 (herb shop)

Monday, June 9, 2008

Aromatherapy for Weight Management

Hi, I’d like to share with you some aromatherapy options that may help you on your weight management journey. I’ll begin by giving a brief description of how aromatherapy works. Essential oils are very therapeutic and beneficial. They can help address physical, mental, emotional and spiritual concerns. When working with weight issues, all 4 of these modalities are very important.

Having the right mindset to activate the body is key to helping the body heal itself. All 100% pure essential oils are activators and can help with mood, behavior, attitude, addictions and motivation. The oils that work best in this situation are going to be the ones that you like the most. I personally conduct olfactory sensory testing with my customers to determine which scents they respond to the best. You can do this simply by taking any bottle of essential oil (such as red mandarin for example) and waft it under your nose from side to side. Take a deep breath and inhale the scent. Do you like it? On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the best, where does it rank? For me, if it ranks a 6 or higher, this means I would use it.

You can diffuse it in an Aromaball or nebulizing diffuser throughout the day or just add it to a blend such as a body spray or roll-on. Creating a blend with the oils that you like or just using a single essential oil, can help with emotional and mental connections we may have to weight issues, such as fear, anxiety, depression, grief and anger, regardless of overweight or underweight. Many times, weight issues are a result of something emotional that is going on, hence the term emotional eating. Some oils that are beneficial for eating addictions are bergamot and clary sage. You can smell the oil, diffuse it or make a roll-on.

Essential oils such as frankincense and myrrh can also help one connect spiritually but again, so will the oils that you like. You may like an oil one day and not the next and that’s okay because we are constantly changing and exposed to different situations so of course our emotions and needs are going to change.

On a physical level, there are oils that can help with the appearance of cellulite such as pink grapefruit, patchouli or the Nature’s Sunshine blend Cellutone. These oils may help to move a stagnant lymphatic system by breaking down toxins and assisting in stimulating circulation. Fat is just trapped toxins that need to be broken down so we can flush them out effectively. To make a great cellulite buster blend, combine some Nature’s Sunshine Cellutone Essential Oil blend into Nature’s Sunshine Herbal Trim Skin Treatment with some Nature’s Sunshine Detoxification Homeopathic to help enhance the effects for weight loss. Herbal Trim Skin Treatment is also nice to help tone the skin. You can even use it by itself as a moisturizer.

For someone with constipation, patchouli is a great oil as it helps one to let go – physically and emotionally. Many times if the bowels get moving, so does the weight. Again, smelling, diffusing, applying a roll-on blend topically to the abdomen area can help.

To help someone fight sugar cravings, pink grapefruit with a hint of cinnamon may be beneficial. To curb appetite, smell any of the culinary essential oils such as thyme, rosemary, cinnamon, grapefruit and so forth. You want to smell one oil at a time, by taking one oil and drafting it 6-8 times per nostril. This satiates the taste buds and satisfies your cravings.

Scentful regards,

Jennifer Hochell, Holistic Aromatherapist
NAHA Regional Director
JennScents Aromatherapy
Clermont Herb Shoppe & Day Spa
702 West Montrose Street
Clermont, FL 34711
352.243.9627 (aroma bar)
352.243.3588 (herb shop)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Clermont Herb Shoppe and Day Spa Classes for June

June 2008 Classes at The Clermont Herb Shoppe & Day Spa

Wednesday, June 4rth, 2008, 7-9:30pm, “NSP Business Building” @ Orlando Marriott-Cost-$10 fee Includes workbook
Gain support tips and tools to build a Natures Sunshine home-based, internet or retail business to help you earn extra income, health others and financial freedom. To register, please call Natures’ Sunshine at 800-223-8225.

Thursday, June 5th 2008, 5:30-6:30pm, “Aromatherapy 101”-Cost-$10
Learn basic information on the use of pure essential oils including, history, safety, benefits, and application. You will gain hands-on experience creating your very own take home gift.

Saturday, June 7th 2008, 9a-10a, “Advanced Aromatherapy”-Cost-$15
Gain in-depth knowledge and hands-on training in various facets of aromatherapy including history, quality, chemistry body system application and more. This class includes a roll-on to take home and enjoy.

Tuesday, June 10th 2008, 4:30-5:30p, “Infant Massage” Cost-$25
Learn how to massage your infant from a certified educator of infant massage. Learn techniques on how to alleviate colic and sleep better while bonding with your baby. (8 weeks to 8 Months of Age)

Wednesday, June 11th 2008, 6-7p, “Clean Green” –Cost-$10
This class is a great way to learn how to clean your home without using chemicals. You will learn how to clean everything from clothes to bathrooms to kitchens, naturally.

Tuesday, June 17th 2008, 4:30-5:30p, “Infant Massage”-Cost-$25
Learn how to massage your infant from a certified educator of infant massage. Learn techniques on how to alleviate colic and sleep better while bonding with your baby. (8 weeks to 8 Months of Age)

Thursday, June 19th 2008, “Summer Lovin’ Aromatherapy Style” 5:30-7p-Cost-$15
Learn how to make summer related products using essential oils such as bug repellant and sunburn relief.

Saturday, June 21st 2008, 9-10am, “Herbal Hour” Cost-Free
If you are into sports or a full time athlete, stop by for this FREE class to learn about which vitamins and supplements may help you with endurance and to help you achieve the top of your game.

Tuesday, June 24th 2008, 4:30-5:30pm “Infant Massage” Cost-$25
Learn how to massage your infant from a certified educator of infant massage. Learn techniques on how to alleviate colic and sleep better while bonding with your baby. (8 weeks to 8 Months of Age)

Wednesday, June 25th 2008, 5:30-7:30pm“Soap Making”-Cost-$25

Learn how to make your own goat’s milk soap to take home and enjoy, using pure essential oils and natural ingredients.

RSVP required for all classes as seating is limited. To register, please call 352.243.3588 or visit our shop at 702 W. Montrose St. in Historic Downtown Clermont. See you in class.
Jennifer Hochell
JennScents, Inc. / Clermont Herb Shoppe & Day Spa
Nature's Sunshine Area Manager, Sponsor #1365631-9
702 W. Montrose St., Clermont, FL 34711
352.243.3588 or 352.243.9627 /