Business Meetings Every Friday 5:30pm-6:30pm
Join Michele Boeddeker every Friday evening from 5:30-6:30pm to learn more about Nature's Sunshine Products. Discover how easy it is to share these products with your friends and family. Find resources and tips on how to develop your own NSP Business.
February 7th, 9-10:30am, $15, Romance Herbs and Aromatherapy
Join us and learn about herbs that may heighten passion with your partner. Experience aromas for creating a romantic atmosphere and make your own sensual massage roll-on. Come feel the love!
February 11th, 6-8pm, $40, Perfume Making
Join Michele Boeddeker for this fun class where you learn how to make your own perfume using 100% essential oils. Take home your signature scent to enjoy.
February 12th, 6-7pm, $15, Heart Herbs and Aromatherapy
Learn which herbs and essential oils are beneficial to the heart and circulatory system to promote optimal performance. Take home a Free Gift.
February 17th, 6-9pm, $25, CPR
Learn how to save a life by attending this class. Learn Basic Life Support, CPR, and Automated External Defibrillator by Patricia Pioro, RN, BSN
February 18th, 5-6pm, Free, Herbal Orientation
Join Michele Boeddeker to learn how to incorporate healthy habits into your lifestyle. Gain insight on simple ways to upgrade your choices for imporved health.
February 19th,11-4pm, Price Varies, Blood Analysis
Call 352-243-3588 to make an appointment with Brandi Stewart, Microscopist, to have your live and dried blood cells analyzed.
February 21th, 9-10am, Free, Herbal Hour-Chinese Herbalism
Learn the basic principals of Chinese Herbalism and which Nature's Sunshine
combinations support each element. Learn which element you are and how to customize a program to meet your specific needs.
Learn the basic principals of Chinese Herbalism and which Nature's Sunshine
combinations support each element. Learn which element you are and how to customize a program to meet your specific needs.
February 25th, 6-7:30pm, $10,Hormone Balancing for Men and Women
Join Michele Boeddeker as she helps you understand the differences between male and female hormones and their effects on the body. Learn which different products are beneficial when balancing these hormones.
February 25th, 6-7pm, $15, Advanced Aromatherapy
Learn about various essential oils including their properties and benefits. Gain tips for proper dilution ratios, blending techniques and why quality matters.