Clermont Herb Conference 2009 Agenda
9am- Welcome, On-time arrival drawing
9:10am- Thomas Easley- Herbs for Everyday Use
Understand how herbs work, safety, and quality. Learn common and uncommon uses for popular herbal remedies. We suggest you bring your NSP Comprehensive Guide for this portion of the workshop.
9:50am- Panel Intro, Panel Discussion
We put our guest panel to the test as we ask them pointedly, “If you were stuck on a desert island and could only have one single herb, which one would it be and why?”
10:05am- Q&A, Break
10:15am Cleansing & Weight Loss- Thomas Easley
Are you tired or toxic? Could autointoxication be the root cause of body aches, fatigue, memory issues, poor immunity, skin problems, and weight challenges?
This class will introduce you to basic, gentle whole body cleansing programs as well as more advanced cleanses targeted for special needs.
10:55am- Panel
So how do our panelists maintain their ideal weights? Learn real programs for real results. Whether you are an emotional eater, a carb addict, or if it just seems as if your metabolism has gotten stuck in reverse our panel will share their best strategies for getting you where you want to be.
11:20am- Q&A, Break
11:30am- Digestion- Thomas Easley
Good digestion is the key to energy, vitality, and overall good health. So how do your digestive juices flow? Learn the importance of this system and how malfunctions can lead to everything from bloating, and reflux to arthritis and other degenerative aliments.
12:10pm- Panel
Can your bloodtype affect your digestive system? You bet, according to “Eat Right for Your Bloodtype” author Peter D’ Adamo. Do certain supplements work better for different bloodtypes? Learn which ones might work best for you.
12:30pm- Q&A, Lunch
1:45pm- Super Human Syndrome
Are you superman or superwoman? Are you the ultimate caretaker? An overachiever? Is it getting harder and harder to keep up with the demands of work and family? Learn about the adrenal glands/nervous system and the connection between stress and good or poor health. Then learn how to best nourish and care for this important body system.
2:25pm- Panel Discussion
Super Person Syndrome
Understanding Emotions & Heath
Using Essential Oils- Jennifer
The Food Connection- Wendimere
3:05pm- Bringing it All Together- Thomas Easley
So how do you know how to get started? Incorporate the simple ABC+D approach created by herbalist Steven Horne of the Tree of Lite Institute to create just the right supplement program for you and your family.
3:45pm- Panel Discussion
Our herb panel will share their favorite tips of how to know when to choose one supplement over the other. They share their “insider” techniques for helping people help themselves choose the right supplement.
4:05- Q&A, Closing prize raffles, Help fill orders
4:15pm Optional Business Building Session
Learn simple ways to earn income with NSP’s high-quality products.
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