Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Farm Fresh Food Deliveries at Clermont Herb Shoppe

Happy New Year everyone! We are excited to announce that the Clermont Herb Shoppe will be a drop off location for Farm Fresh Food - direct from local farmers that include meats, eggs and dairy. The first delivery date will be Monday, February 7th from 5-7pm, in front of the Clermont Herb Shoppe & Day Spa.

We are fortunate to have Steve Moreau, local food activist, licensed acupuncturist, Chapterleader of the Westin A. Price Foundation and owner of, spearheading this project.

Available: grass-fed beef, chicken, buffalo and pork; raw milk (cow and goat) for pet's; free-range eggs, cheese, cream and more.

Here are the steps to get started:
1. Register and view pricelist at
Click on the "Go Shopping" tab. Give 2-3 days for your account to become activated.
You'll be placed on the Clermont Contact List for reminder emails (sent every two weeks) indicating the time to order. Emails are sent out every other Sunday and the deadline will be Wednesday night, midnight.

2. Pick up will be every other Monday from 5-7pm, starting February 7th, in front of the Clermont Herb Shoppe & Day Spa.

3. Payment/Delivery Fee:
To make the Clermont location a success, we will need at least 20 orders, so please spread the word and order often. While you order online, you will pay via cash or check at the time of product pick up. You are responsible for payment for all orders you place.

4. Pick up etiquette:
Please bring your own coolers and ice when picking up your order. Please NO missed orders as there is no place to store these items or return to drop them off at a later time.

We are excited about these great nutritional food items, and the opportunity to support our own local farmers. Please visit soon to get set up.

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