Sunday, July 24, 2011

Beyond Organic on a Budget

I received a note from one of our team members this week expressing concern that eating whole foods and beyond organically seemed impossible to do given limited financial means. Not the first time that I have helped a mom desperate to feed her children healthy nutritious foods make some tough food choices.

Believe it or not, I have had to make those exact same decisions for my family over the past decade. I love being a small business owner but sometimes the allure of "only" a $10 per hour regular paycheck has its appeal. Having to close your business unexpectedly for a few days due bad hurricanes, a dramatic sudden decline in customers when gas prices hit an all time high and other financial woes have at times had me making those same tough choices. At the end of the day we each have to ask ourselves, "how much can I afford to spend on food today?"

One of Jordan Rubin's goals for his new company, Beyond Organic is one million people feeding their families for free. My team is made up of primarily moms on a tight budget that truly understand the importance of nutrient dense whole foods. Their challenge is either finding them, paying for them or both. Beyond Organic offers solutions to both dilemma's- great food delivered to your door and an easy, affordable business model to help pay for your personal consumption.

A $40 investment is all it takes to get started. The $40 package includes a state of the art website and shopping cart. By sharing the message of the value of these nutritious foods with friends, family, and co-workers it shouldn't be long before you receive your first paycheck.

With this first paycheck I would buy one case of Amasai. Wholesale cost is $5 per bottle, add a buck each for shipping and it works out to $1.33 per 2oz serving. 2oz is the size of most popsicle molds- try to spring for the BPA-free ones. Make Amasai popsicles for your kids. Share the idea with two of your friends or neighbors and talk about the health benefits (basic info, more to follow.) Then offer one of your bottles at the cost of $9 each. If their kids like it- and we all know that they will then they can buy their own case as a preferred customer from your website and save. If you sell 4 bottles then you've paid for two for your family. It's that easy.

Granted, two bottles of Amasai per month doesn't constitute feeding your family for free. But two bottles is better than none and all of a sudden a Beyond Organic small part-time business just became a lot more obtainable as far as time and financial investment. It might take longer to build this way but remember- this is a ground floor opportunity. Imagine where you can be in a few years if you start now.

To get your Beyond Organic business started visit our Team USA page to find one a local group.

1 comment:

Hope Medina said...

This is so good! And you are so right! I'm a single mom with two growing boys whom I home educate. I don't get child support, so I'm on my own trying to feed myself and my boys healthy foods. I save a lot of money just not buying junk food, and eat less than American's on the typical SAD diet. I make my own cleaning supplies using white vinegar and baking soda. I cut other corners also, because nothing is more important than what foods we feed our bodies. You do what you have to, to make it work. Start small if you have to, just keep spreading the message, and before you know it, you'll be able to afford more and more of Beyond Organic high quality foods. And when all your friends who never listened to you are at the doctors, and spending hundreds of dollars on medications & medical bills, you and your family will not have to worry about that budget line item! Then you can go on a health vacation to reward yourselves! Be proactive not reactive. Your body will thank you.