Monday, October 27, 2008

Jennifer Hochell speaks at Nature’s Sunshine National Convention (part 1)

The topic of Aromatherapy always seems to draw a lot of attention. At the Nature’s Sunshine National Convention held in Washington, DC from August 20-23, 2008, over 150 people attended the aromatherapy presentation, Custom Blending with Essential Oils: Integrating Herbs and Oils presented by Jennifer Hochell. Attendees received valuable information to help them understand the concepts of aromatherapy, how to use it, why to use and how to easily and effectively incorporate it into daily life. Here are some highlights:

Why Choose Essential oils?
Essential oils offer a wide variety of health benefits such as physical, mental, emotional and spiritual balance. It encompasses over 9000 years of history that supports, exemplifies and solidifies the therapeutic properties essential oils have to offer. It is also fun and empowering as it put control back in YOUR hands over YOUR health choices.

Aromatherapy Benefits
Essential oils are powerful tool that may alter, shift , change and adjust mood, emotion and physical issues. It has been historically known to help alleviate stress, skin irritations, depression and anxiety. It also helps our pets achieve over wellness.

Aromatherapy History
Egyptians are famous for employing aromatherapy for their mummification process. The Greeks integrated fragrances (at that time they were 100% pure, undiluted essential oils) into many of their rituals, ceremonies and personal care. Today, you can find some form of aromatherapy in many personal care and cleaning products. It also received prestigious recognition when Richard Axel and Linda Buck (both from the USA) won the 2004 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their discoveries of odorant receptors and their relationship to the organization of the olfactory system.

Quality of Aromatherapy
Why is quality important? Well, it will dictate the level of therapeutic value as well help reduce your exposure to chemical-based products. It is also important when working to enhance overall health and wellness. For example, you may feel relaxed when smelling a synthetic lavender candle but, the combination of synthetic ingredients may bombard and clog the lymphatic system with toxins rather than assist the body in eliminating toxins.

Scentful regards,
Jennifer Hochell
JennScents, Inc. / Clermont Herb Shoppe & Day Spa
702 W. Montrose St., Clermont, FL 34711
352.243.3588 or 352.243.9627 /

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Earn Free Gifts! Host an Eco-Attitude Holiday Party

Would you like to earn Eco-Attitude Gift Dollars? Free Spa Treatments? Call or email Wendimere Reilly, a.k.a. The Health Chic today to book your holiday parties. So, what exactly is an Eco-Attitude Holiday Party, you might be wondering? It's the hot new "edutainment" shopping concept from yours truly.

It's your typical home party with a Green & Healthy twist. Your party hostess (which currently is a team of one- that would be me) will come to your home or office location to provide a 75-minute fun, entertaining and educational experience (45 minute sessions are available for office functions if necessary.)

You and your friends or co-workers will learn simple, healthy and eco-conscious holiday tips including managing holiday stress, avoiding weight gain, hangover busters, delicious and healthy food & drink ideas, and finally great gift giving options.

Then the moblie Eco-Gift store opens and folks are free to shop. The best eco, healthy, and whole living gift options are brought right to you and your friends. Save gas, support a local business, and have a great time.

At the end of the party we will tally the sales and that's where the fun starts. You earn eco-attitude gift dollars, product discounts, and extra special gifts based on the total party sales and future party bookings.

The best dates will book quickly, so reserve your date today, call me at 863-419-8584 or email

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Clearing out the Clutter

Journaling can help us clear our minds and set goals for ourselves. When we think of clearing out the clutter we may think of throwing out old clothes and shoes. We may also decide to throw that old rug out that just never looked quite right in our living room. Have you ever stopped to check in with your feelings after you have cleaned out your clutter? Do you breathe a little easier? Do you feel less weighed down? Do you feel more creative?

Last week I cleaned my desk. This may sound like a small job to some, however, the piles were mounting and mentally my thoughts followed suit. We have distractions that play for our attention everyday. These distractions can be small and others are well warranted. When you have a home office it never fails to become the bottom of the list in regards to priorities.

After spending a few uninterrupted hours of organizing, filing and throwing out, my desk was a simple masterpiece! A clean and open desk seemed to have it's mental effects. I was able to get twice the amount of work done and felt at peace doing it! This made me think further about all the other physical clutter we posses and for some reason hold onto. How does this change our mental day to day focus and concentration?

So take some time to think about the clutter in your life. What do you want to let go of and what do you want to create more of? Physically when we let go of stuff that no longer serves us, emotionally, we may feel the cleansing benefits!

Join us for a journaling class, "Clearing out the Clutter" at the Clermont Herb Shop (352) 243- 3588
October 22nd 5:30-7:00p.m. Fee:$35 RSVP

Monday, October 20, 2008

Aromatherapy for Influenza

All 100% pure, unadulterated essential oils are beneficial for influenza. They offer antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, decongestant, expectorant and antiseptic properties, just to name a few. Essential oils can revive cells and provide vital energy to keep immunity strong. A study conducted tested tears in individuals who just watched a sad movie and those cutting an onion. The immune system in those watching the sad movie was suppressed by more than 54% versus those cutting the onion.

There are many ways to use aromatherapy when combating cold and flu symptoms. Add some essential oils to Epsom salt and add to a warm bath, include in a massage oil or lotion and massage into muscles and joints, spray around the room to disinfect the and purify the air or add to a hot or cold towel and use as a compress on a specific area.

Tea tree essential oil is one of the most recognized and researched essential oils. It is commonly used for mold and fungal infections. It offers antifungal, antiviral, antiseptic and immune stimulant properties. Tea tree has been shown to assist the body during cold and flu, nail fungus, sinus infections, cold sores, warts and muscle and body aches. Emotionally it helps combat low self-esteem.

Eucalyptus essential oil was used in the late 1800’s to treat coughs and respiratory concerns. It’s antibacterial, antifungal, decongestant, analgesic, expectorant and febrifuge properties allow eucalyptus to be an air purifier, aid with sinus infections, muscle/body aches, improve circulation and combat fatigue. Emotionally it helps with feelings of being overwhelmed. Caution is recommended for those with epilepsy.

Pine essential oil was recommended by Hippocrates for pulmonary problems and throat infections. Its properties include antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, disinfectant, expectorant and deodorant. It is helpful for cold and flu, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, coughs, fatigue and muscle and body aches. Emotionally it helps with mental fatigue and exhaustion. Caution is recommended for those with prostate problems.

Guardian essential oil is a Nature’s Sunshine combination blend or lavender, chamomile, tea tree and ravensara. Ravensara is a strong antiviral essential oil and is a great remedy for any lung issue, cough, flu, bronchitis or pneumonia. This blend offers antiviral, antibacterial, decongestant and disinfectant properties while being used as a hand sanitizer, to relieve shingles, MS, chronic fatigue, skin issues and to purify the air. Emotionally it helps with grief and to promote feelings of safety.

Use any of these essential oils singly or in a combination as a chest rub for coughs and bronchitis or as a room spray to disinfect the air. Happy blending!

Scentful regards,
Jennifer Hochell
JennScents, Inc. / Clermont Herb Shoppe & Day Spa
702 W. Montrose St., Clermont, FL 34711
352.243.3588 or 352.243.9627 /

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Clermont Herb Conference

I just wanted to take a moment to say KUDO's on an amazing job with the Clermont Health Conference, and introduce myself.

I really enjoyed how Clell Fowles shared his recent struggle with weight gain. This shows that accomplished, knowledgeable professionals in the wellness industry struggle with the same day to day challenges that we all do. I look forward to seeing him in the future to see how he used his knowledge and determination to overcome these adversities. I also want to share that the guest speakers made you laugh while learning. There wasn't a boring or wasted moment to be had.

My name is Monica Hickman, I have been working in the emergency medical field for over 8 yrs now. I just recently took my passion for helping others to the next level of starting my own homebased Natural Health and Wellness Coaching business. I have been blessed with the encouragement of Susan Matlock, Wendy Reilly and Lee Butler to Go For it! I love encouraging people that being average doesn't have to be a way of life. Having the opportunity to attend the Health Conference filled me with more ways to educate myself and my clients. Thank you again for making this possible!

My website is it is still in the infant stages, but I'm having a so much fun learning to create it myself and grow at my own pace.

I just recently did a photoshoot on top of the Edgewater Hotel in Historic Downtown Winter Garden at Sunrise. It was Amazing! I have sat on top of this building many times over the past 11 years meditating and working through my thoughts. I thought it would be fun to do my Yoga and Workout routine with a photographer to capture photos for my web site. I will share the experience and some photos in a Blog soon.

Get Healthy and Be Happy, Monica aka Julep

Friday, October 10, 2008

Free Blood Typing, Cholesterol & Glucose Test

Donate blood at one of Florida's Blood Centers blood drives (the Big Red Bus) and they will mail you your total cholesterol and glucose results. You can also call them after you donate at 1-888-9-DONATE, and they will tell you your blood type.

According to author Peter D' Adamo, making diet and lifestyle choices based on your bloodtype can help you loose weight and improve your health.

Don't forget to take your fish oils (omega 3) to improve your cholesterol levels, read more about it at MedicineNet.

Blood Drive- Monday, October 27th, 4-7pm
Anytime Fitness & Herb Shoppe Cagan Crossings
533 Cagan Park Avenue

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Still Need A Reason to Cleanse?

We all know pollution and toxins are bad for you. But this is perhaps the deepest analysis of this issue on the most vulnerable demographic on the planet. This might just be the toxins version of "An Inconvenient Truth."Watch the first 5 minutes of Ken Cook's presentation. If if you are as surprised as I was, please send this video to a friend.

read more | digg story

Want to learn more about cleansing and detoxifying herbal programs? Check out one of these classes presented by author and herbalist, Wendimere Reilly.

Fri Oct 10th, 5:30pm
Cleansing 101, $3, Cagan Crossings

Thurs Oct 16th, 5:30pm
Intro to Cleansing, $3, Haines City

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Fall Aromatherapy Class in Winter Garden

Holiday Aromatherapy Class with Christine Allen, owner of RadiantAromas
Saturday, October 25th from 10:00 - 11:00 AM
at the Downtown Herb Shoppe & Day Spa
  • Learn how to bring the NATURAL smells of the holidays into you home using pure essential oils.
  • Discover how some of these traditional holiday scents can help reduce stress.
  • Find out which essentials oils can be combined to create your favorite holiday scents into a lotion, spray or bath salt.
  • Not sure what to get for your friends and family?
  • Why not make them a bath salt, lotion or spray with their favorite oils or your custom blend?
  • Make your holiday shopping list can be quick, easy and inexpensive.
The cost is $10 per person and each participant will receive an Aromatherapy booklet to guide them through their essential oil choices.

Seating is limited and this class fills quickly so please call 407-656-9119 to reserve a seat today.
The Downtown Herb Shoppe & Day Spa located at 33 S. Main Street in Historic Winter Garden.
Christine has a B.S. in Exercise Science, is a Certified Beyond Success Coach, and has over 15 years experience in the health and wellness field. She has completed many courses as part of her Aromatherapy and Herbal Specialist Certifications.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


For many of us that are balancing numerous priorities in life and find it challenging to slow down to re-focus, finding time to journal can make a world of difference in our every day life. Some people feel that journaling should be implemented when life really throws you a curve ball.

I do believe journaling is incredibly healing when we are going through some painful life lessons. We can actually deprive ourself from this amazing self-help tool and resist journaling when times are tough and emotional. This can be a very important time to put paper to ink and to acknowledge the deep feelings that we may be experiencing.

Journaling can also be used daily to help us de-clutter our mind so we can do all those things on our list! Taking time to slow our minds down to reflect upon our day can bring a sense of peace, no matter how crazy the day has been. Carving out a few minutes to do something healthy for ourselves often gets put aside and we can feel stress and "overloaded".

These few minutes spent on oneself can give us the opportunity to reflect upon the events that have taken place during our day. We become in tune with our feelings and thoughts. We basically check in with ourselves versus remaining on "auto drive".

All you need is a journal and a pen- making the time is up to you!

Check out upcoming journaling classes at the Clermont Herb Shop.

Monday, October 6, 2008

October Classes at the Clermont Herb Shoppe and Day Spa

Class Descriptions
Friday, October 3rd, 2008, from 5:30-6:30pm “Healthy Sugar, Treats, and More”-$10
Discover nature's healthy sugars and how to make special treats.

Thursday, October 9th, 2008, from 5:30-6:30, “Advanced Aromatherapy”-$15
Learn about more essential oils, why essential oils have certain properties, dilution and blending techniques, and why quality matters.

Saturday, October 11th, 2008 from 9am-10am, “Business Building”-Free
Gain support tips and tools to build a NSP business to help you earn help others and earn financial freedom.

Saturday, October 11th, 2008 from 10am-11am“Clean Green”-$10
This class is a great way to learn how to clean everything from clothes to bathrooms naturally.

Tuesday, October 14th, 2008 5-6pm, “Aromatherapy 101” -$15
Learn basic information on the use of pure essential oils including history, safety, benefits, and application.

Wednesday, October 15th, 2008 from 6-8pm, “Soap Making”-$25
Learn how to make your own goat's milk soap to take home and enjoy, using pure essential oils and natural ingredients.

Saturday, October 18th, 2008 from 9am-10am “Herbal Hour”-Free
This month's herbal hour is dedicated to herbs for the elderly. Learn how to have radiant health and well-being as you grow older.

Tuesday, October 21st, 2008 from 6-9pm “CPR”-$25
Learn Basic Life Support, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, and Automated External Defibrillator by Patricia Pioro, RN, BSN.

Friday, October 22nd, 2008 from 5:30-7:00pm“Clearing out the Clutter”-$35
Learn about Journaling techniques to clear out the old and make room for what we desire in our lives.

Friday, October 24th 2008, from 5-6pm“Candida Cleansing”-Free
Learn the most effective to do a Candida Cleanse, the benefits and how to prevent the over growth of Candida.

October 26th, 2008 - One year Celebration Farmer's Market-
Free Tasting and Information
From 9-2 we will be making Bath Salt Art out front for $10 a bottle. Inside join us for cleaning green, aromatherapy 101, liquid chlorophyll tasting from 10-1.

October 29th, 2008 from 5-6pm “Herbal Orientation”-Free
Learn some of the basics of a healthier lifestyle. Join us in a discussion about lifestyle upgrades and how you can incorporate them into your life.

October 29th, 2008 from 5:30-7:30pm “Mommy Relax and Playtime”-$35
Enjoy this special time to reflect, rejuvenate and recharge your batteries. Tea will be served.
October 30th, 2008 from 5:00-7pm “Women’s Aromatherapy & Herbs”-$30
Learn about specific herbs and aromatherapy for women's needs.

Have a Safe and Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Clermont Health Conference Huge Success

On Saturday, Sept 27th, The Herb Shoppes hosted the 2nd Annual Clermont Health Conference at Lake Sumter Community College. Our featured guest speaker Jay Vandel Heuvel kept the audience energized as he taught about general tips for a healthier lifestyle and the vital role of cleansing and detoxification.

Pharmacist Clell Fowles used real life stories to teach participants about the role prescription drugs play in depleting vital nutrients from the body. Some folks were surprised to learn that some of the pharmaceutical drugs that they are taking might be caused from the nutrients depleted by their other drugs.

A new component to the conference this year was the Herb Panel consisting of the local herb shoppe owners (Susan, Jennifer, Wendimere, Lee) as well as a special appearance by nurse Ashlie Overman, owner of one of the first herb shoppes in the country in Panama City. The panel shared personal stories and details about their favorite herb programs. Attendees loved the different perspectives, straight-forward answers and great information.

For those of you that missed the conference this year there are still educational opportunities available this year. Check with your local shoppe or stay tuned to the blog for more details.