Tuesday, October 7, 2008


For many of us that are balancing numerous priorities in life and find it challenging to slow down to re-focus, finding time to journal can make a world of difference in our every day life. Some people feel that journaling should be implemented when life really throws you a curve ball.

I do believe journaling is incredibly healing when we are going through some painful life lessons. We can actually deprive ourself from this amazing self-help tool and resist journaling when times are tough and emotional. This can be a very important time to put paper to ink and to acknowledge the deep feelings that we may be experiencing.

Journaling can also be used daily to help us de-clutter our mind so we can do all those things on our list! Taking time to slow our minds down to reflect upon our day can bring a sense of peace, no matter how crazy the day has been. Carving out a few minutes to do something healthy for ourselves often gets put aside and we can feel stress and "overloaded".

These few minutes spent on oneself can give us the opportunity to reflect upon the events that have taken place during our day. We become in tune with our feelings and thoughts. We basically check in with ourselves versus remaining on "auto drive".

All you need is a journal and a pen- making the time is up to you!

Check out upcoming journaling classes at the Clermont Herb Shop.

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